Our Appeal

The Chapter, Wardens, Parish Councillors and Friends of the Cathedral have set up the St Saviour's Cathedral Heritage Committee to spearhead a major Conservation Appeal.

This is aimed at raising sufficient funds to undertake urgent conservation and restoration work. It is also hoped some funds can be set aside for unexpected or on-going and longer term projects.

Our current project is remediation works to our Great East Window (2022-23)

Why we need Your Help

The cost of conserving this heritage masterpiece is significant. As with all historic buildings, conservation and maintenance are ongoing and it is often difficult and expensive. It is vitally important to preserve our heritage for future generations.

How You Can Help

Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible.


  1. Direct Credit: Please make your payment to  BSB: 032 721 Account Number: 680946 Account Name: National Trust-St.Saviour's Cathedral Restoration Fund

Please reference your payment to: NT-SSC-Heritage Restoration Appeal

If you use this option and would like a receipt please send an email to: [email protected]

​    ​​ 2.  ​Cheque:  (made payable to: National Trust-St.Saviour's Cathedral Restoration Fund)

​     3. Credit Card:   Visa    Mastercard        Expiry Date:    00/00

         Credit Number:                Cardholder's Name               TOTAL DONATION AMOUNT: $ ______________________              

 Please provide your Name/Address/Contact Phone Number/Email Address:     A receipt will be forwarded to you by mail.             

Please email your details to: [email protected]       Posatal Address: PO Box 205 Goulburn NSW 2580