

Dear friends,

I invite you to contribute to the ministry of this Cathedral church. The costs are large and ongoing.

It is vital our Mother Church of the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn remains a place of gathering and worship both to the Diocese widely and our community of Goulburn. 

We are appealing for your support to enable the Cathedral ministry to be sustained.

If you would consider making a donation or a regular contribution to our Cathedral Parish Account in this extroadinary time our details are:

Mothers' Union Group

The Cathedral's Mothers' Union Group welcome members and those enquiring about Mothers' Union

We meet in the Mary Thomas Room, of the Cathedral hall on SECOND THURSDAY of each month ...2-4pm.

For information, please call Kerrie Knowlman through the Cathedral Office: 4821 2206 or Mobile: 0447315354

Disability Access

The Cathedral provides access for wheel-chairs and "walkers"  through all entry doors. Level off-street parking available in on-site parking area.

Disable toilet and wash room is located in Mary Thomas room (Cathedral hall).