The Journey
At St Saviour's we have a special program to help people learn about the Christian faith and the Anglican Church, which we call "The Journey".
Those who would like to find out more about what Christianity and being part of the St Saviour's Cathedral congregation really involves are taken on this journey of discovery by the Dean.
Perhaps you've been to a service at St Saviour's when you found it a little hard to follow what was going on. Or perhaps you've never been to church, or in our ever-changing world you have questions about God and the meaning of life.
The Journey may well be the way for you to find the answers to these and other questions.
For more information about The Journey, please contact the Cathedral Office on 4821 2206.
Marriage, Baptism, Commemoration
Over its long history, St Saviour's Cathedral has seen thousands of weddings, Baptisms and commemorative services. It performs an imporant function in the wider Diocese and the immediate Goulburn community as a "church of choice" for many people and organisations when thinking of such events.
Preparation for Marriage and Baptism, as well as arrangements for commemorative services, can be initiated by contacting the Cathedral office.