Making disciples for Christ - Formation for Christian Living, Christian Living and Ministry
The Journey is a process of formation to prepare and support people for living according to the vows and promises of Christian living. It is modelled on an early church pattern for initiating Christians through a process that provided liturgy, instruction, practical experience and study, spiritual guidance, and nurture.
A similar process is becoming increasingly necessary in our own contemporary world where forming Christians in the mist of secular, multicultural society.
In the third and fourth centuries, those who wanted to become Christians would participate in preparation often as long as three years before being baptised. The initation sacraments of baptism, confirmation and first communion were administrered to the candidates at the Great Vigil of Easter.
Those who were preparing for baptism were called catechumens menaing "hearer of the Word" or "learners". During their time of formation, they were sponsored by members of the community, and were given guidance and training for becoming Christians, especially for living as Christians.
Although The Journey is modelled on the practise of the early church, it is not only for those who are not baptised.
Who is The Journey for?
Since formation for Christian living is a life-long pilgrimage, this programme is also for:
- Those who want to find out about the Christian faith for the first ime
- activie members seeking to deepen their commitment
- Those who were baptised as infants and who want to make a mature affirmation of their faith
- newcomers from other churches
- Those who are seeking out the church for marriage or baptism for a child
- those who are returning to the church from another church or denomination
- lapsed members considering their Christian commitment.
At its heart The Journey is about conversion. The language of our baptismal covenant presumes we are growing into our faith and ministry. In our Baptismal Covenant we promise to strive to live as disciples of Christ.
This language presumes we are growing and being transformed.
This experience of separation, disillusionment and renewal - or of death, burial and resurrection - lies at the very heart of our lives as disciples of Christ..
The Journey is one way that we, the community of the Cathedral can offer support to those in this process of Christian growth and conversion.
The Journey is open to everyone, baptised or unbaptised, who want to explore their faith and growth as Christians.
Divided into four stages, each stage marked by an appropriate liturgy. At the centre are the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation; and also reception, reaffirmation, and baptismal renewal.
Beyond these celebrations is a process to form people of faith as they strive to live in their daily places as followers of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in finding out more about The Journey then phone our Cathedral office and make an appointment with our parish clergy: (02) 4821 2206